

3rd Monthly Meeting & 4th CDE

Topic: A current take on Dental Impressions
Speakers: Dr Shyam Mohan, Dr Eldo Koshy
Venue: IMA House Kochi


Dentist Day Quiz

Venue: KMA House, Panampilly Nagar

24.02.2023 | 7:30pm

2nd Monthly Meeting

Venue: IMA House, Kochi
Speaker: Dr Prasanth Pillai
Topic: Unravelling the Mysteries of Immediate Loading Implantology
45 participants.


1st Monthly Meeting

Topic: Management of TMJ disorders
Speaker: Dr Bobby John
Venue: IMA House Kochi


IDA Kochi New Year Celebration

Time: 7:30pm onwards
Venue : Luminara Hotel


Installation ceremony of Dr Winston George: 2023

AGM meeting was conducted at 6.30 pm, followed by the installation ceremony.
Venue: IMA HALL kaloor

Chief guest: Dr A Devadathan, Guest of Honour: Dr Santhosh Thomas & IMA president:  Dr Sreenivas Kamath
Also honoured charter president of IDA Kerala state and our own member, Dr MK James.

President : Dr Winston George
Hon.Secretary : Dr Brijitha Manoj
Hon.Treasurer : Dr Binila S Babu


Monthly Meeting

Topic: Fixed Partial Denture
Speaker: Dr. Eldho Koshy
Venue: Hotel Luminara


Monthly Meeting

Topic: Sleep - Time to Introspect
Treatment Protocols for Snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Speaker: Dr. Sunil Abraham
Venue: Hotel Luminara, Ernakulam North


Dentists Day Celebrations


Installation ceremony of Dr Sunil Mathew: 2022


Installation of President Dr Mathew Varghese K and Team of Office Bearers

Installation ceremony of Dr.Mathew Varghese K (Jr) and new office bearers following covid protocol.

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