Our History

The Cochin Branch of the I.D.A. is an offspring and extension of the Cochin Dental Society which was founded by Dr.M.K James on 24 June 1968 at a meeting of about twelve Dentists at the International Hotel, Ernakulam with the objectives of professional updating and familial closeness. Clinical meetings of high standard were held regularly by rotation in different clinics of members with occasional family gatherings. This routine continued for eight years.

The Cochin branch of IDA was formed on 1-11-1976 at Hotel Rajadhani (later named as Mas Hotel) Ernakulam North. It was inaugurated by Dr. G. R. Bhat of Madras, then Hon. Gen. Secretary of IDA.

The following are the founder members:

1. Dr. Parnel J Maguire (Founder President)
2. Dr. M R M Shenoy (Founder Secretary)
3. Dr. M. K. James
4. Dr. Mathew Varghese P
5. Dr. Thampy Thomas
6. Dr. Mathew Chathuruthy (Vice President)
7. Dr. K. K. Pathrose
8. Dr. C. R. Vijayasankaran
9. Dr. Joji Cherian
10. Dr. Surg. Comdr. E. G Paul (Treasurer)
11. Mr. Narayanan (Regd. Dentist)

1976-77Dr. Parnel.J. MaguireDr. M.R.M. Shenoy
1977-78Dr. Thampy ThomasDr. C.R. Vijayasankaran
1978-79Dr. Mathew VargheseDr. C.R. Vijayasankaran
1978-79Dr. M.K. JamesDr. Sreedharan Iyer
1980-81Dr. J.I.ChackoDr. C.R. Vijayasankaran
1981-82Dr. R.N. ShenoyDr. George Kottam
1982-83Dr. M. ChandrasekharanDr. George Kottam
1983-84Dr. Mathew ChathurthyDr. K.L.Baby
1984-85Dr. C.R. VijayasankaranDr. K.L.Baby
1985-86Dr. Sreedharan IyerDr. K.L.Baby
1986-87Dr. K.L.BabyDr. Thomas Philip
1987-88Dr. Jacob ElenjickalDr. Sunny Poulose
1988-89Dr. Thomas PhilipDr. Ajikumar
1989-90Dr. Louis ThoppilDr. Ajikumar
1990-91Dr. Jacob PaulDr. Ajikumar
1991-92Dr. M.K.JamesDr. Ajikumar
1992-93Dr. AjikumarDr. Raju Kurian Ninan
1993-94Dr. K.J.AlexanderDr. Raju Kurian Ninan
1994-95Dr. Raju Kurian NinanDr. Sreekumar
1995-96Dr. C.R. VijayasankaranDr. Sreekumar
1996-97Dr. BalachandranDr. V.I. Paul
1997-98Dr. SreekumarDr. Ram Mohan
1998-99Dr. Joseph IsaacDr. Prasanth Pillai
1999-00Dr. AnilkumarDr. Prasanth Pillai
2000-01Dr. C.R. VijayasankaranDr. Ajikumar
2001-02Dr. V.I. PaulDr. Ajikumar
2002-03Dr. Ram MohanDr. P .C. Sunil
2003-04Dr. Peter GeorgeDr. P .C. Sunil
2004-05Dr. Prasanth PillaiDr. Civy.V. Pulayath
2005-06Dr. Saju RajuDr. Civy.V. Pulayath
2006-07Dr. Civy.V. PulayathDr. Rajesh M. Kottooran
2007-08Dr. Jose JulianDr. Rajesh M. Kottooran
2008-09Dr. V. A. AfzalDr. Vinod Mathew
2009-10Dr. P .C. SunilDr. Vinod Mathew
2010-11Dr. Noorudeen A MDr. Arun Babu
2011-12Dr. Vinod MathewDr. Arun Babu
2012-13Dr. Tatu JoyDr. Jayakumar.S
2013-14Dr. Arun BabuDr. Jayakumar.S
2014-15Dr. Siby T ChennankaraDr. Balu Soman
2015-16Dr. Jayakumar.SDr. Balu Soman
2016-17Dr. Anjana GDr. Balu Soman
2017-18Dr. Arun BabuDr. Balu Soman
2018-19Dr. Bindu Rachel ThomasDr. Siby T Chennankara
2019-20Dr. Ajit PDr. Siby T Chennankara
2020-21Dr.Mathew Varghese K (Jr)Dr.Nevin Thomas
2021-22Dr.Sunil MathewDr.Nevin Thomas
Showingentries(filtered from total entries)

Offical Publication : BIDA (Bulletin of Indian dental Association Kochi Branch)


IDA Kochi is the Founder Branch of Indian Dental Association in Kerala. Many great leaders from the branch have adorned the various posts in the National and State IDA Offices.

   Dr. C. R. Vijayasankaran, Dr. K. L. Baby, Dr. Raju Kurian Ninan and Dr. Thomas Philip were elected as Vice Presidents of IDA National Head office.
   Dr. K. L. Baby, Dr. Sreekumar, Dr. V. I. Paul, Dr. Rammohan and Dr. Vinod Mathew were honored as best branch secretaries of India.

   Dr. V. A. Afsal and Dr. Siby T. Chennakara were honored as best branch presidents of India.

   Dr. Balu Soman received special recognition for IDA national student activity and runners up trophy for best local branch secretary at national level. 

   Dr. V. I. Paul bagged the best editor of India Award 5 times consecutively for Kerala Dental Journal.

   Dr. M. K. James was the founder president of IDA Kerala State Branch.His contribution to Indian dentistry literature is his book “All about dental care” published by Vikas publishers.

   Dr. M. K. James, Dr. C. R. Vijayasankaran, Dr. K. L. Baby, Dr. K. K. Pathrose, Dr. E. G. Paul, Dr. Raju Kurian Ninan and Dr. Thomas Philip have served as State presidents of IDA Kerala State Branch. Dr. C. R. Vijaysankaran, Dr. K. L. Baby, Dr. V. Ajikumar has served as Hon. Secretaries of IDA Kerala State Branch. Dr. J. I. Chacko, Dr. R. N. Shenoy, Dr. Jacob Paul have served as Treasurer of Kerala State Branch. Dr.Anjana.G served as President of WDC of IDA Kerala State Branch and now the editor of Kerala state branch.

   Dr Bellie’s national award for the Best scientific Journal was awarded to Editor Kerala Journal Dr Anjana G in 2018.

   Dr. V. I. Paul was Hon. Editor of Kerala Dental Journal for seven years and made the journal regular and indexed. Dr. M. K. James served as Editor of Kerala Dental Journal too.

   Dr Siby T Chennankara was awarded for the best dental journal both in National and State level.

IDA Kochi have had the largest number of members and we have given birth to the largest number of local branches. 
IDA Kochi branch have excelled and progressed over the years. May God bless us with greater strength and achievements in the coming years too.

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